Thursday, January 29, 2015

What this weeks Volispo Meant

Hail to All,

This weeks was very hard to understand and even figure out what the meaning of what was being written. This passage does mention Loki taking Andvari's wealth. But that's more to explain what was written in another book and isn't mentioned in this saga. The whole mixing around of different sections of the Saga makes this even more confusing to even understand. There are several times when the flow didn't go like it did in earlier sections. This tells me that this is a very complicated tale and one that takes time to read and understand.

I'm going to go back and read the section again to understand what was being written so that I can move on.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Volispo 11-14

Hail to All,

So it's time for me to honor Odin with another reading from the saga's. As I've done last week, tomorrow I will blog about what I believe that it means. This is one of the ways that I practice my religion. Understanding the source materials and what our ancestors believed. Hope that you enjoy it and let me know what you think and how I'm doing.

11: Nyi and Nithi, Northri and Suthri, Austri and Vestri,
Althjof, Dvalin, Nar and Nain, Niping, Dain, Bifur, Bofur,
Bombur, Nori, An and Onar, Ai, Mjothvitnir.

12: Vigg and Gandalf, Vindalf, Thrain, Thekk and Thorin,
Thror, Vit and Lit, Nyr and Nyrath,—now have I told—
Regin and Rathsvith—the list aright.

Note: This is actually listed as 10 in the Kindle Edition. Hence why I'm getting the physical copy myself to see if it's the same. It most likely is. This is what makes this copy hard to understand. Their sometimes not in order like they should be.

13: Fili, Kili, Fundin, Nali, Heptifili, Hannar, Sviur, Frar,
Hombori, Fræg and Loni, Aurvang, Jari, Eikinskjaldi.

(These are the other ones that are not in-order. I really chew on my lip on this. 11: The race of the dwarfs in Dvalin’s throng Down to Lofar the list must I tell; The rocks they left, and through wet lands They sought a home in the fields of sand. 12: There were Draupnir and Dolgthrasir, Hor, Haugspori, Hlevang, Gloin, Dori, Ori, Duf, Andvari, Skirfir, Virfir, Skafith, Ai. 16: Alf and Yngvi, Eikinskjaldi, Fjalar and Frosti, Fith and Ginnar; So for all time shall the tale be known, The list of all the forbears of Lofar.)

Continuing with 13: Then from the throng did three come forth,
From the home of the gods, the mighty and gracious; Two without fate on the land they found, Ask and Embla, empty of might.

14: Soul they had not, sense they had not, Heat nor motion, nor goodly hue ;
Soul gave Othin, sense gave Hönir, Heat gave Lothur and goodly hue.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Thorrablot Over

Hail to All,

So Thorrablot is over, which I was sad to see it go. I did celebrate it yesterday and it wasn't that big of an affair. I don't have a ton of money to spend on feasts and this was no different. Also, being the only heathen in the family really determines what your going to be dining on. I did offer ale to Thor and thanked him for his protection. I burned incense and poured libation of drink. I gave a portion of my food to Thor and asked for his protection for another year.

I hope that you all had a good Thorrablot and I'll be back later this week.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

What This weeks Volispo and Last means

Hail to All,

So yesterday I wrote down last weeks section of the Volispo and this weeks. The first 1-4 deals with the creation of the universe and the nine worlds. Odin raised the seerer from the grave, indicating that Odin is very strong in magic, and she is telling how the universe was like before it was fashioned how it was fashioned. The next section 5-10 deals with the gods, and the fact that they lived in an age before all the trouble began. Before the battles that they would fight against the giants and other creatures that would try and bring them down.

Everything was peachy, sweet, and innocent. No greed, problems, or troubles. And then the three giant sisters came from their realm and that's where I stopped. I will be back next week with 11-14 and I look forward in talking about it.


Honoring Thor

Hail to All,

Today we honor Thor, the god that protects the realm of humans. Us! Last week I dedicated my exercise to Thor. The site that I was using only pointed it for men. But I believe that women can use some of Thor's presence and power in their lives. I exercise three days a week, but I also put one of the days for my exercise to be in honor of Thor. It gives me a connection to the gods and to my ancestors.

So I hope that all of you will have a good day and may Thor give you strength.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why I'm an Independent Heathen

Hail to All,

I want to talk a bit about why I'm an Independent Heathen and not apart of any said 'heathen' community. It isn't that I'm against associating with others. If I was then I wouldn't be here or I wouldn't be on Facebook. The reason that I'm not apart of a heathen community is because there are two kinds and the first kind is the one that burned me. The kind that burned me are the kind that are so full of themselves that they will travel with you where ever you go and not listen to reason.

I can't stand them. They think that they know you, they think that they know how you practice, when they don't. They attack you because you use to be Wiccan and they don't think that maybe it's taking time to get away from the 'doing what makes you feel right' mode. Yes, I do things that other Heathens might not like. Including Tarot cards, libations when it's not a Blot, and so on. But this is my practice, this is my path, and these are the gifts to the gods that I give them.

Oh and don't even get me started on prayers. Yeah, well I guess that you'll hear me rant about that. The fundies are against praying. Why? Because they state that the gods don't want to be bothered all the time. Excuse me, but when did you become the spokesmen for the gods? I don't bother them all the time. Only when I feel the need to 'communicate' with them. Nothing that I do is good enough for them and nothing that I do will prove that I'm a 'real' heathen.

To them I'm doing nothing but Wicca and they are burned up about that. Excuse me, but I don't put a pentacle on my altar, I don't call Odin and Frigga 'the lord and lady' and I don't believe in the Maiden, Mother, and Crone aspects. I believe that the gods are separate and distinct entities that demand our respect. This isn't a taking a hat off the shelf religion and I really wish the Wiccans would stop treating the gods as such.

Of course I'm not about to bash Wiccans and that's what these people were doing. So that's why I'm an independent heathen and I will only call myself an independent Asatruer when I've been doing this for a full year without breaks. I'm going to practice my path, read my cards, drink tea, and walk the path of the ancients. Don't like it, then get the hell out of my damn face. I'm not here to get your approval and I don't want it. I will let my actions speak to the gods, not the desire to conform to your views.


Honoring Odin

Hail to All,

Today we honor Odin, the Allfather. And as I did before I'm doing a small section of saga as my offering to him. This one is from last week, on my Wordpress blog, so I'm going to post it. Then I'll space it and add this weeks.

1: Hearing I ask from the holy races,
From Heimdall’s sons, both high and low;
Thou wilt, Valfather, that well I relate
Old tales I remember of men long ago.

2: I remember yet of the giants of yore,
Who gave me breads in days gone by;
Nine worlds I knew, the nine in the tree
With mighty roots beneath the mold.

3: Of old was the age when Ymir lived;
Sea nor cool waves nor sand there were;
Earth had not been, nor heavens above,
But a yawning gap, and grass nowhere.

4: Then Bur’s sons lifted the level land,
Mithguard the mighty there they made;
The sun from the south earth, warmed the stones of
And green was the ground with growing leeks.


5: The sun, the sister of the moon, from the south. Her right hand cast over heaven's rim;
    No knowledge she had where her home should be,
    The moon knew not what might was his,

6: Then sought the gods their assembly seats,
    The holy ones, and council held;
    Names then they gave to noon and twilight,
    Morning they named, and the waning moon,
    Night and evening, the years to number.

7: At Ithavoll met the mighty gods,
    Shrines and temples they timbered high;
    Forges they set, and they smithied ore
    Tongues they wrought, and tools they fashioned.

8: In their dwellings at peace they played at tables,
    Of gold no lack did the gods then know,-
    Till thither came up giant-maids three,
    Huge of might , out of Jotunheim.

9: Then sought the gods their assembly-seats,
    The holy ones, and council held,
    To find who should raise the race of dwarfs
    Out of Brimir's blood and the legs of Blain.

10: There was Motsognir the mightiest made
      Of all the dwarfs, and Durin next;
     Many of likeness of men they made,
     The dwarfs in the earth, as Durin said.

I'll be back tomorrow to explain what I think that both sections are talking about. Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Moon (January 2015)

Hail to All,

This is not Heathen but what I do. Tonight I'm going to be honoring Hella. She's the dark goddess, the one that controls the dead and the land of the dead. I don't have any Hella 'incense' but I do have incense to Hecate. I'm going to burn that and give it as an offering to Hella. I personally don't think that she minds. I going to also give offerings of anything that's 'dark' to her. That could be chocolate milk, chocolate, and even some fruit.

I'm not sure yet. All I know is that it's going to be great. I hope that you all have a good New Moon and I'll see you around.


Honoring Tyr

Hail to All,

Today we honor Tyr and I did it by playing a game with my brother. Tyr is connected to sports of all kinds and competition of all kinds. I didn't win, but I had a good time. My brother is far more better at this then I am, but I was willing to do this so that my brother wouldn't feel as though he was the only one that was doing anything. I thanked Tyr for the battle and I thanked him for allowing me to be humble in losing.

Next time, I'm going to win.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Honoring Mani

So today we honor Mani, the God of the moon. Since it's still cold out then I'm not going to be out and about. I will be looking at the moon through the window and ponder him. I will be thanking him for the gift of the moon. Now one of the things that I have noticed about Norse religion. In respect to both Sunna and Mani. Is that Sunna is the goddess connected to the Sun and Mani is the god connected to the moon. There is no god and goddess in Norse mythology. No moon goddess and no sun god. I will be meditating on the moon and thanking him with offering and libation.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Honoring Sunna

Hail to All,

Today we honor Sunna and the warmth that she will be bringing as the warm weather starts getting closer. As today is Sunday and next to last Sunday of January, I give thanks to Sunna and I know that soon it will be warm out. I can feel the weather changing and I can feel it being a little bit less cold. Sunna brings the warmth. She's the sun in many ways. I did a ritual to her, said a prayer, offered libation and burned incense.

I gave her a gift of thanks and the hopes that this weeks weather will be good.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Bath Day

Hail to All,

Now this one is a very unusual one and I think that it might be connected to fact. On Saturday we really get down and scrub off our bodies. Baths seem to be something that all cultures did until it was declared evil and wrong by the conquering Christians. So today I added some bath salts and soaked in the tub, feeling all the stress of the week vanishing. I also washed my body and felt ready to take on the world. This is a ritual that I will be doing more often and making one bath, a week, special then the others.


Thorrablot (2015)

Hail to All,

Today is the first day of Thorrablot. Since we really don't know when these rituals started, I'm going to assume that they were done during the day. Thorrablot is a Icelandic holiday and is from today till the 25th of this month and is in honor of Thor. That makes 9 days of celebrating. However I'm only going to be celebrating the first and last day of Thorrablot. I hope that all of you have a good one and may Thor watch over you.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Honoring Freya and Frey

Hail to All,

Today is Friday and thus we honor Frey and Freya, both connected to fertility. Freya is also the goddess of war and leader of the Valkyries. So while both siblings do have the same roles, Freya has a bit more and a lot more responsibility. She's also considered a sorceress and seerer. So I'm going to do a one card reading in honor of her. Another deity that was most likely honored on this day is Frigga, wife of Odin. Now the site that I use stated that she wasn't an important goddess.

I snort at that. I believe that Frigga was a very important goddess and thus deserves to be honored. This morning I did a small ritual in honor of these three gods. I added Odin, since he's my Patron god. So I honored Odin, Frigga, Freya and Frey. I burned incense and I poured libation. I'm sure some fundie is going to come on and say, "That's not how it's done." I stick my tongue out at them. The gods know that what I'm doing comes from the heart and I believe that my gift is just as good.

I hope that you all have a good one and I'll be back tomorrow.


Boy, I Haven't Been On

Hail to All,

Dear Gods, I haven't been on in over a year. Sigh, I really need to fix that. So I'm back on Blogspot, mainly because a friend of mine told me that Wordpress is getting hacked into. Sorry, I'm not interested in getting hacked and I don't like it when people get into my private information. So I'm using this until they fix the problem. So I'm still keeping this blog up and running and I'm sorry about the huge gap between this past and my last post.

A lot of things have happened since I was last on this blog. For one: I've been a Heathen for over a year, two: I was bullied to the point that I had to take down one of my Youtube channels, which sucked, three: I'm starting to get my hands on some books that will go into my Heathen library, and four: I really haven't been practicing my religion like I'm suppose to. I'm not happy and I'm not proud of that. But I'm back and I'm determined to practice it. I'm not about to let some fundies cause me to lose heart.

Personally that's the problem with the fundies in Heathenism. They attack you to the point that you don't want to be a heathen anymore. This doesn't help our numbers and this doesn't help our religion. Yes, I know it's to weed out those that consider this a 'hat' religion. And what I mean by that is just taking a religion down and wearing it like a hat. However there are those out there that are serious about their religion and don't appreciate others putting them down.

I had to put up with the drama in High School and I think that we should all consider ourselves old enough to not take part in such things. I'm going to be getting back to the sagas and I might end up doing the same post that I did two years ago, though I will be focusing on 1-4 and then next Wednesday do 5-10. I look forward in continuing post and I'll be around.