Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Honoring Odin

Hail to All,

Today we honor Odin, the Allfather. And as I did before I'm doing a small section of saga as my offering to him. This one is from last week, on my Wordpress blog, so I'm going to post it. Then I'll space it and add this weeks.

1: Hearing I ask from the holy races,
From Heimdall’s sons, both high and low;
Thou wilt, Valfather, that well I relate
Old tales I remember of men long ago.

2: I remember yet of the giants of yore,
Who gave me breads in days gone by;
Nine worlds I knew, the nine in the tree
With mighty roots beneath the mold.

3: Of old was the age when Ymir lived;
Sea nor cool waves nor sand there were;
Earth had not been, nor heavens above,
But a yawning gap, and grass nowhere.

4: Then Bur’s sons lifted the level land,
Mithguard the mighty there they made;
The sun from the south earth, warmed the stones of
And green was the ground with growing leeks.


5: The sun, the sister of the moon, from the south. Her right hand cast over heaven's rim;
    No knowledge she had where her home should be,
    The moon knew not what might was his,

6: Then sought the gods their assembly seats,
    The holy ones, and council held;
    Names then they gave to noon and twilight,
    Morning they named, and the waning moon,
    Night and evening, the years to number.

7: At Ithavoll met the mighty gods,
    Shrines and temples they timbered high;
    Forges they set, and they smithied ore
    Tongues they wrought, and tools they fashioned.

8: In their dwellings at peace they played at tables,
    Of gold no lack did the gods then know,-
    Till thither came up giant-maids three,
    Huge of might , out of Jotunheim.

9: Then sought the gods their assembly-seats,
    The holy ones, and council held,
    To find who should raise the race of dwarfs
    Out of Brimir's blood and the legs of Blain.

10: There was Motsognir the mightiest made
      Of all the dwarfs, and Durin next;
     Many of likeness of men they made,
     The dwarfs in the earth, as Durin said.

I'll be back tomorrow to explain what I think that both sections are talking about. Thanks for reading.


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