Friday, January 16, 2015

Boy, I Haven't Been On

Hail to All,

Dear Gods, I haven't been on in over a year. Sigh, I really need to fix that. So I'm back on Blogspot, mainly because a friend of mine told me that Wordpress is getting hacked into. Sorry, I'm not interested in getting hacked and I don't like it when people get into my private information. So I'm using this until they fix the problem. So I'm still keeping this blog up and running and I'm sorry about the huge gap between this past and my last post.

A lot of things have happened since I was last on this blog. For one: I've been a Heathen for over a year, two: I was bullied to the point that I had to take down one of my Youtube channels, which sucked, three: I'm starting to get my hands on some books that will go into my Heathen library, and four: I really haven't been practicing my religion like I'm suppose to. I'm not happy and I'm not proud of that. But I'm back and I'm determined to practice it. I'm not about to let some fundies cause me to lose heart.

Personally that's the problem with the fundies in Heathenism. They attack you to the point that you don't want to be a heathen anymore. This doesn't help our numbers and this doesn't help our religion. Yes, I know it's to weed out those that consider this a 'hat' religion. And what I mean by that is just taking a religion down and wearing it like a hat. However there are those out there that are serious about their religion and don't appreciate others putting them down.

I had to put up with the drama in High School and I think that we should all consider ourselves old enough to not take part in such things. I'm going to be getting back to the sagas and I might end up doing the same post that I did two years ago, though I will be focusing on 1-4 and then next Wednesday do 5-10. I look forward in continuing post and I'll be around.


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