Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why I'm an Independent Heathen

Hail to All,

I want to talk a bit about why I'm an Independent Heathen and not apart of any said 'heathen' community. It isn't that I'm against associating with others. If I was then I wouldn't be here or I wouldn't be on Facebook. The reason that I'm not apart of a heathen community is because there are two kinds and the first kind is the one that burned me. The kind that burned me are the kind that are so full of themselves that they will travel with you where ever you go and not listen to reason.

I can't stand them. They think that they know you, they think that they know how you practice, when they don't. They attack you because you use to be Wiccan and they don't think that maybe it's taking time to get away from the 'doing what makes you feel right' mode. Yes, I do things that other Heathens might not like. Including Tarot cards, libations when it's not a Blot, and so on. But this is my practice, this is my path, and these are the gifts to the gods that I give them.

Oh and don't even get me started on prayers. Yeah, well I guess that you'll hear me rant about that. The fundies are against praying. Why? Because they state that the gods don't want to be bothered all the time. Excuse me, but when did you become the spokesmen for the gods? I don't bother them all the time. Only when I feel the need to 'communicate' with them. Nothing that I do is good enough for them and nothing that I do will prove that I'm a 'real' heathen.

To them I'm doing nothing but Wicca and they are burned up about that. Excuse me, but I don't put a pentacle on my altar, I don't call Odin and Frigga 'the lord and lady' and I don't believe in the Maiden, Mother, and Crone aspects. I believe that the gods are separate and distinct entities that demand our respect. This isn't a taking a hat off the shelf religion and I really wish the Wiccans would stop treating the gods as such.

Of course I'm not about to bash Wiccans and that's what these people were doing. So that's why I'm an independent heathen and I will only call myself an independent Asatruer when I've been doing this for a full year without breaks. I'm going to practice my path, read my cards, drink tea, and walk the path of the ancients. Don't like it, then get the hell out of my damn face. I'm not here to get your approval and I don't want it. I will let my actions speak to the gods, not the desire to conform to your views.


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