Friday, January 16, 2015

Honoring Freya and Frey

Hail to All,

Today is Friday and thus we honor Frey and Freya, both connected to fertility. Freya is also the goddess of war and leader of the Valkyries. So while both siblings do have the same roles, Freya has a bit more and a lot more responsibility. She's also considered a sorceress and seerer. So I'm going to do a one card reading in honor of her. Another deity that was most likely honored on this day is Frigga, wife of Odin. Now the site that I use stated that she wasn't an important goddess.

I snort at that. I believe that Frigga was a very important goddess and thus deserves to be honored. This morning I did a small ritual in honor of these three gods. I added Odin, since he's my Patron god. So I honored Odin, Frigga, Freya and Frey. I burned incense and I poured libation. I'm sure some fundie is going to come on and say, "That's not how it's done." I stick my tongue out at them. The gods know that what I'm doing comes from the heart and I believe that my gift is just as good.

I hope that you all have a good one and I'll be back tomorrow.


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