Friday, April 19, 2013

First Post

I would like to say that I'm very happy to be here, blogging, sharing my experiences with Odin and the other gods and goddess of the Norse faith. I'm 33-years-old, and a follower of Odin, the King of the Norse gods, Frigg, Thor, and Loki. The reason for this blog is that I wanted to talk about my faith and I wanted to talk about how I practice it. Several years back, coming out of Wicca, I wanted to find something that fit me. I loved the whole 'coming home' feeling that I had gotten in Wicca but I was having trouble finding it outside Wicca.

I felt lost and I practiced other paths that interested me. Then I found Heathenism, or Asatru. Having ancestors from Germany really made me feel that maybe this was the path for me. It has taken me time to get over the complex minds of a lot of heathens and now they view things and the nature of the gods. I have had people talk badly about authors that they believe were not really Heathen and I've even had people say that some out there are Fluffy Bunnies.

I've found Loki and Odin. Odin feels to me to be a big protector, someone that I can go to for bits of advice, and Loki feels like the kind of god that protects those that have ever been bullied for not having the right kind of clothes, having a ton of money, and are just plain different. I still don't understand when your suppose to pray to the gods, when do you ask the gods for help, and when do you not? What offerings to you hand the gods, or do you give them what you have? I'm still such a newbie at Heathenism and I feel that I will never fully understand it so I'm just feeling around, reading, and seeing what helps me out.

I don't believe in working with the gods, but honoring them, honoring the past, and honoring the future.

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