Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Starting Your Spiritual Practice

I probably should of put this first, below the others, but I decided to put it here. In the time that I have been a Heathen, I never asked this important question: When do I do offerings? This should be a very important question to those that are new to this path, but I never asked it. Was I being lazy, no. I just didn't know to ask this question. Well, now that I've learned I can give this advise to others.

When you start your Heathen practice, don't worry about altars or even wearing a Thor's Hammer. Why, because none of that stuff matters unless your dedicated to the path. I'm talking about wearing Thor's hammer and not the altar. I've talked about altars twice and so I believe that's been taken care of. Thor's hammer is a symbol of Astaru, a symbol that those that take this religion seriously wear.

Hel, I'm not wearing mine until, one: I get one, and, two: I've finished my year of learning as much as I can with as little money as I have. Until then my neck is naked. Another thing that I would advise those to do is, and this is from Heathens that I've talked to, is greet the sun in the morning and the moon at night. Doing this connects you to those deities. Do a weekly daily practice and use whatever you have. If you don't have the money for a drinking horn then that's fine. Your not going to go to Hel for not having a drinking horn.

Also read. Read until you get sick of reading. When I was going through my first several months I didn't have Norse books on myth, or even the book that I had bought while living up in Mass. I didn't have access to the net, so I couldn't read the books that were free. Don't worry about joining any groups, be your own group. Facebook is a great place to join up with other Heathens and listen to them. Ask questions, they do have newcomer groups, and soak it all in.

Once again, don't worry about the altar or wearing Thor's hammer. Just focus on learning and growing as a Heathen. I'm so glad that I do have my friends on Facebook. They are my own Kindred, and I just love them.


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