Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weekly Offerings #1

One of the things that I failed to do nearly four months ago was give weekly offerings to the ancestors, land spirits, and gods. The reason for this is that I didn't fully understand the need to do this. I had this belief that you prayed to the gods and asked them to give you things like strength, wisdom, courage, and other things. I think that this steams from my time in Wicca. Wiccans believe in asking the gods for things, doing spells and the such.

Getting this advice to do a weekly offering to the ancestors, land spirits, and gods sounds like something that I can imagine my ancestors doing. It was explained that doing this forges a relationship with your past, with the land spirits, and most importantly with the gods. Living in the Bible belt and living in a black neighborhood I was actually very nervous about doing this. I found that giving tea is a good substitute to alcohol, which I don't have.

So I poured my glass and added the sugar. Adding it, instead of having it already there, makes you work to get the sweetness that you want. Working for it makes the drink, in my opinion, suitable to the gods. I ended up having to delay it while I waited for three black men to leave. They were outside, on the side of the road, talking and I'm not exactly sure how they would of taken hearing the name of gods that they might think are connected to a group of people that would wish them harm.

Once they were gone I came back downstairs and went outside. Boy, it's freaking cold outside! I blessed the drink by doing the sign of Thor's hammer and then I called upon the name of my ancestors and poured some of it on the ground. I then called upon the land spirits, thanking them for being apart of this land, and poured the drink on the ground. I then called upon the gods. Odin for wisdom, Thor for strength, Freya for love, Hamell for protection, and tyr for courage. I'm going to need plenty of tyr over the next couple of months as I'm going to be wearing Thor's hammer out in the open.

I really enjoyed the whole experience and I just loved connecting to the ancestors, the land spirits, and the gods. I felt as though I was reconnecting to the web that I had left behind when I took my break. So glad to be back and I can't wait to get Thor's hammer and wear it.


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