Saturday, April 27, 2013

Understanding the Saga's

I don't really have any books that cover the Saga except The Poetic Edda's: The Mythological Poem's and that's on my Kindle App. I'm planning on buying it in physical book next month but that's not the reason for this post. For nearly a year I've been practicing this faith on and off and now that I really feel that this is my path, I feel connected to the gods, I feel that it's time to try and understand the Saga's.

Understanding them can be hard, as they are worded very differently than other stories out there. They are worded in such a way that you have to think about what the section of the poem means. So what I'm going to be doing, starting next week (Monday) is I'm going to post one poem section onto my blog and then post the same poem section on a Heathen Facebook group and see if what I get from the poem is the same as what they say.

It should be very interesting to say the least.

This is going to take a very long time but from what I'm getting is understanding what our ancestors believed and listened to is worth the time and effort. This is a religion with homework for a reason, and how can you say that your a Heathen if you back down just because the whole thing isn't fun. I think understanding the Saga's is going to be a blast.


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