Saturday, April 27, 2013

Not Following The Crowd

This is my last blog post of the day and I maybe back tomorrow. I don't really know. I had been reading another person's blog about being given 'flak' because she, or he, viewed the Saga's as important parts of our faith. He, or she, viewed them as sacred as the Christians view the Bible. I'm going to agree with this. The Saga's are our bible, they are stories that show us how to live and how to live the lives that we're suppose to live. We read them, not because we have to, but because we want to. Christians take pure joy in being able to open their bibles and read the word of G-d.

Why can't we take joy in reading our books, the holy books that make us Heathen, and not take flak for it. Why do we have to just say, 'oh well they are heavily Christianized so lets read it but not take much stock into it.' Does this defeat the purpose as to why they were preserved? What was the point in preserving them if we are going to treat them as though are just another book of many? I will admit that we don't have a lot of sources but the ones that we do have we must cherish.

We must take them out and read a bit of them, savoring the words and figure out the meanings behind them. If that makes us not part of the crowd, then so be it. I'm not here to prove myself to anyone. I'm a Heathen, not a follower of whatever you believe is important. If I want to honor Loki one day then that's my right. I don't follow the crowds, even though I'm a Heathen. I don't join any groups or care what others practice.

Just like this persons I'm a Independent Heathen and I'm taking nothing from no one. If I want to have views that my mother instilled into me, values that make me unpopular, then that's my right. See this is the problem that I had when I started this path. I was so worried about being apart of the crowd that I forgot that I'm my own person. So that's what I will be, a independent Heathen. Don't like how I practice, go and cry somewhere else. I don't take nothing from no one.


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